Sunday, February 17, 2008

Talk to a girl!

How to tell if a girl likes you or not? Well honestly, there is no way to tell! There are so many girls out there that their reactions to men are completely different! The most common signs though is her looking into your eyes, twirling her hair, and laughing at your dumb ass jokes. But that can be misconstrued at times. She could just be giving you a pity flirt, or she’s is just flirting with no intention of dating you!
Well, grow a pair and just ask the girl out. What do you have to lose? Nothing, and you have everything to gain. The thing is guys are afraid to ask girls out because of the fear of rejection. Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid ever! Just do it, and just work on it. Pretty soon you’ll be able to pick up girls left and right. Here are a few things you should do, and do it in order, or mix them up depending on the situation. Let’s say this is in class!

You: Hi, My names (insert name)

HER: Oh my names (whatever her name is)

YOU: I hope you are not saving this seat for anyone! Out of all the seats in this room, this one seemed to be the best one! ( Here was a slick move, you just complimented her in a very tactical way. You made her feel special, that out of all the seats, you chose to sit next to her)

HER: Sure no one is sitting there, please be my guest

YOU: All right, thanks a lot...

( We are going to skip some of this conversation. Now what you should be doing from that point on is asking her where she is from, how long she has been at this school, but nothing to personal. But every time you ask her a question, when you answer that same question, you should go into a little more detail, so that she feels that you are opening up to her... now don’t forget to be witty, charming, and funny!)Remember Love Is Out There, And She is Waiting Just For You!

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