Ok, so what do you need in order to get the girl? Where were can I start? I don’t even know where to begin, so I’ll start where I think should be the first thing on our list!
You need to groom yourself. Listen fella’s a girl won’t like you if you are dirty. It doesn’t matter if you are fat or even geeky, you still have a chance with a girl. All you have to do is clean yourself up. Why? Because of two reasons you’ll feel better about yourself, and then you’ll feel more confident, that girls are looking at you because you are clean and dressed properly, instead of looking at you because you have some stain on the back side of your pants!
Now you have to listen to me, are you reading and listening? Well try harder, so this is what you need to get. Build some confidence! It’s hard to build up that confidence of speaking to a girl, and it’s very hard to muster up the courage. I know, because I used to be scared about talking to girls to, but honestly, all you need to do is watch a couple of Soap Operas and watch what some of the guys do on there. Just watch them and follow everything that they do. Act smooth, dashing, whatever, it’s even better if you wear the same type of clothing that they do. Because a little secret Soap Operas are written in order to stimulate the woman’s fantasy! So if you are close to it, they’ll want you!
Another way of building confidence is practicing talking to a girl in a mirror. Most guys are afraid to talk to a girl because they are afraid what they might look like while talking. So if you know what you look like, then you will be less afraid. You need to practice your smiling as well, and just flash it to everyone once in a while, until you get the smile you want just right! Something that worked for me, I think might actually work for others. If you want to write a scenario down, like write a little dialogue, with different outcomes of what the girl might say to what you are saying, that way when you really talk to her, if she say’s something you’ll have a great answer, and a funny joke for her too! Remember Love Is Out There, And She is Waiting Just For You!
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