Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Great Date Idea!

Today we are going to discuss some really great Date ideas, especially when you are under a budget! Now saying that girls aren’t impressed by guys with lots of money and fancy cars, would be a lie. Everyone is impressed by money and cars, and women are no different. A girl can tell you that money means nothing, but then again, she could be lying, it all depends on the girl. So for guys who have no money, or very tight budgets, here I’ll give you a great example of impressing a girl, and making her feel extremely special.
Now if you are still in school, say in college or highschool this next date Idea would work perfectly for you!
You have no money, but you have a blanket, and you can find a basket. What you do is, if you’ve asked a girl out, and you’ve gone out before, there are a lot of things you can do to impress her. I suggest that you take the night before, and perform a great lunch, for a picnic. Get some sodas ready, some sandwiches, a salad, these are all things you can just find in your fridge. So you meet with the girl in school, you can pull her aside to a table in the cafeteria, and set up the whole picnic, she’ll be impressed because now she can show off how much you care for her in front of her friends. This way she won’t have to sneak away and call them on the phone to tell them how well the date is going, or how nice you are, now they see it with their own eyes. On a college campus, you can just set up the picnic where ever is the most comfortable!
For those of you who are older, and are dating someone from work, or wherever, this could work for you two. Now try to listen to her, ask her questions before hands, making sure she likes out door activities. If she does, then you can set up a hike, and hike somewhere special, and just set up a picnic there! It will work, and you two will get the chance to spend some alone time with one another without any problems or distractions! Remember Love Is Out There, And She is Waiting Just For You!

Monday, February 18, 2008

I need to find the Right Girl!

I know this blog is going to be a little selfish, but I myself am currently single, and I’m still looking for the right girl. See asking a girl out is one thing, but finding someone that you want to be with is an entirely different thing. I know that guys feel all cool that they get to tap many butts, but not me. I”m kind of different in that way! I’m into the whole love and all of that!
If only girls would understand that I’m the exact man that they want, then things would be different! I’m just a guy who would love to just sit on the couch with you resting on my chest, and the two of us, or even a million people sitting down and watching a movie! It doesn’t matter what we would be doing, but just sitting there together it would be great. See I’m looking for a girl, that I could feel comfortable with, someone that I would love to sleep with, not have sex with. Someone that would talk to me, play with me, laugh with me, and just be there for me!
I’m not for the whole hit it and quit it theme, I’m in it for the long haul, but that’s the problem with girls nowadays there is no romance, no love, and no emotion left in this world. All they want to do is drink and have sex, and cut out the middle man... poor little cupid. Why can’t a really nice guy find love? Why can’t a guy who just wants to hold you, protect you, care for you, be there for you, and just love you, why can’t that guy find a girl? Sometimes it makes me question whether or not love is out there. It makes me think that love just doesn’t exist! But then I remember all of the fairy tales, and all of the dreams, and all of the feelings I wish to feel, just to comfort of someone elses’’ company! Remember Love Is Out There, And She is Waiting Just For You!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Talk to a girl!

How to tell if a girl likes you or not? Well honestly, there is no way to tell! There are so many girls out there that their reactions to men are completely different! The most common signs though is her looking into your eyes, twirling her hair, and laughing at your dumb ass jokes. But that can be misconstrued at times. She could just be giving you a pity flirt, or she’s is just flirting with no intention of dating you!
Well, grow a pair and just ask the girl out. What do you have to lose? Nothing, and you have everything to gain. The thing is guys are afraid to ask girls out because of the fear of rejection. Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid ever! Just do it, and just work on it. Pretty soon you’ll be able to pick up girls left and right. Here are a few things you should do, and do it in order, or mix them up depending on the situation. Let’s say this is in class!

You: Hi, My names (insert name)

HER: Oh my names (whatever her name is)

YOU: I hope you are not saving this seat for anyone! Out of all the seats in this room, this one seemed to be the best one! ( Here was a slick move, you just complimented her in a very tactical way. You made her feel special, that out of all the seats, you chose to sit next to her)

HER: Sure no one is sitting there, please be my guest

YOU: All right, thanks a lot...

( We are going to skip some of this conversation. Now what you should be doing from that point on is asking her where she is from, how long she has been at this school, but nothing to personal. But every time you ask her a question, when you answer that same question, you should go into a little more detail, so that she feels that you are opening up to her... now don’t forget to be witty, charming, and funny!)Remember Love Is Out There, And She is Waiting Just For You!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Well, a turn down!

Well tonight was Saturday night, and I was hanging out with a couple of friends. They had brought this new girl that I'd never met before. So to all of you, thousands of readers out there, that love my writing, I'm gonna tell you this. fate is kind of cruel. And honestly i think it sucks.
Alot of people, guys such as yourself, always think and worry about getting rejected from that girl that you would love to go out with. Well honestly folks, you have to get used to getting dumped, rejected, ignored, and all of that. Because one thing they don't teach you in school, is that a girl, ISN'T LOOKING FOR A GUY LIKE YOU. They are not looking for YOU! A man that would take care of them, a guy that would hold them tight and never want to let them go. Take them any where they want, and do whatever they can to make her feel loved and appreciated.
See I used to get rejected before, I still do now. It's not joke and I'm not going to deny it. I'm not going to say if you listen to my advice you are going to hook up with a lot of girls. I know that's not what you all want, i know that you all don't want to just do it with a girl and then just leave! I know you guys are in it for a relationship. Your in it for the long haul! Getting turned down, is just as natural as breathing. She will turn you down for a number of reasons.
1. She's not attracted to you.
2. She's not looking for a nice guy like you
and the most important reason is....
3. She knows she isn't meant for you!
Guys, I just want to explain exactly what happened tonight. You see, I flirt with a lot of girls, and I found a great way to start a conversation, is to just be yourself. If you're funny, out going, and weird, be that. Don't be something your not, because the girl will just fall in love with the wrong you! So, me and my friends were over in the dorm rooms tonight, not one of my most exciting nights of course, it's one that got pretty boring pretty fast. You see, Me and my two best friends were hanging out with his gf and her friend. So we watched movies, and we joked around a lot, I pulled off my patented DUMB A$$ psychic act ( Pretending to be psychic but sucking at it). got loads of laughs, and it's a good way to get a conversation going, and in order to get into more depth with a girl, you find out a lot, and it's a playful conversation.
Usually I'm good at picking up signs on whether a girl is interested in me or not, it's usually says it in the eyes above all else. Some how you can tell if she is lusting for you. Any way i'm getting off of track here. So here is what happened, and here is how it went down, not to long ago... So my friend and his gf were talking, so I gave them some space, so I went back to the dorm room.... this was when were leaving around 12 in the morning...
So i go back to the dorm, room, I see her, and she's asleep, So i'm like F*CK... so i decide to just get some water, but I banged the fridge and then she woke up, so I started to talk to her. Now we just left like 5 mins ago, so I don't know how she fell asleep so fast... but watever... So I talked to her, and I asked her some questions, and here is the key... when you ask her a question, when you answer that same question, you add a little more information... that way she will feel more comfortable with you! So i was being funny, joking around, and we were both laughing. And I said it a few times, but I think she was joking, but the guy I am, I didn't care if she would say no or not, So i asked her out to Olive Garden for dinner, she said Ew, so I said anywhere she liked. She looked interested , and then she paused, and I asked her well... she said... "I'm seeing someone...Sorry"
You see i've heard that before, and i think she thought that i heard it before, but for a different reason. I get dates easily, it's not hard, when you are a nice guy! but when she said she was seeing someone, I knew she wasn't and it was a lost cause, because she wasn't into me, which i'm ok with, not like we had any connections, or felt any strong emotions towards. See most guys get scared to ask a girl out because, they build up a connection with the girl inside their own head. But listen you don't have to be scared. You need to get rejected, so you know what it feels like!
So anyway, I would've been ok, if she'd just said that she was seeing someone, I wouldn't have been upset at all. But when she said "sorry" that kind of ticked me off... Cause I don't think I deserve to hear, a sorry. Uhm I asked you out knowing that there was a 50/50 chance of getting to go out with the girl, spending some time, talk and actually have a real conversation with some one that you could keep company with. I wasn't to worried about her saying know, cause I was expecting, I expect it from every girl. But when she said sorry, it made me think, that sorry... I can't go out with you...
You see I wasn't sorry for asking you out, I would've been sorry if I didn't ask you out. because when you risk not asking you'll never know. But when your sorry, what does that do? It diminishes the whole concept of you asking her out. I'm not sorry, and she shouldn't be either. the thing that gets me the most, is that that SORRY, wasn't a real one, It's one I've heard a hundred times anyways, because it's just a fake sorry... Like Sorry I really don't care. I'd been ok with out the sorry.
Now I'm not upset, because that tells me that she isn't the one for me, because if she was, then there would have been something that had happened. You see You just need to work hard, and practice, and just move on! Just because you were rejected that one time, doesn't mean that you have to stop asking girls out. See what i didn't mention was that I hung out by our reflection pond, and I saw a couple of girls sitting there... and I asked those girls for some coffee, and then I asked one of them out! And aparently she liked me enough, so see, it doesn't have to be one girl. You play the field... but don't play the field for the wrong reasons. Play the field because you want to find the person that is right for you!
That's why you take risks and ask that girl out that you just met. That's why You work hard and try to impress girls. it's not To F*CK them, it's to be with them, to hold them tight and never wanting to let them go. treat them like the princesses that they deserve to be! Treating them with respect and not looking at them as if they were just objects to get your D!CK hard... They are there in order to be there for you! To be there emotionally, not physically! I can tell you that I've been in some relations that were from both catergories, and I'll tell you this! Just laying next to a girl in bed, is FAR BETTER than f*cking her... You just hold her, and watch her sleep, and it just feels great! Remember Love Is Out There, And She is Waiting Just For You!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Build up your confidence!

Ok, so what do you need in order to get the girl? Where were can I start? I don’t even know where to begin, so I’ll start where I think should be the first thing on our list!
You need to groom yourself. Listen fella’s a girl won’t like you if you are dirty. It doesn’t matter if you are fat or even geeky, you still have a chance with a girl. All you have to do is clean yourself up. Why? Because of two reasons you’ll feel better about yourself, and then you’ll feel more confident, that girls are looking at you because you are clean and dressed properly, instead of looking at you because you have some stain on the back side of your pants!
Now you have to listen to me, are you reading and listening? Well try harder, so this is what you need to get. Build some confidence! It’s hard to build up that confidence of speaking to a girl, and it’s very hard to muster up the courage. I know, because I used to be scared about talking to girls to, but honestly, all you need to do is watch a couple of Soap Operas and watch what some of the guys do on there. Just watch them and follow everything that they do. Act smooth, dashing, whatever, it’s even better if you wear the same type of clothing that they do. Because a little secret Soap Operas are written in order to stimulate the woman’s fantasy! So if you are close to it, they’ll want you!
Another way of building confidence is practicing talking to a girl in a mirror. Most guys are afraid to talk to a girl because they are afraid what they might look like while talking. So if you know what you look like, then you will be less afraid. You need to practice your smiling as well, and just flash it to everyone once in a while, until you get the smile you want just right! Something that worked for me, I think might actually work for others. If you want to write a scenario down, like write a little dialogue, with different outcomes of what the girl might say to what you are saying, that way when you really talk to her, if she say’s something you’ll have a great answer, and a funny joke for her too! Remember Love Is Out There, And She is Waiting Just For You!

What kind of girl do you want?

How to get a girl... My god the million dollar question, and that’s not even a statement, it’s a fact. The real deal is people all around the world are spending millions of dollars in hopes of finding that special someone. They go on the internet go to eharmony, or even chemistry, or whatever else, and spend money in order to find their soul mate. But why so much hassle, to find a girl isn’t going to be that hard. All you need is a face, a tongue, a mouth, two eyes, a nose, and every other body part that a human being would need.
Girls are a very tricky subject, and no one man can ever, ever decipher the code that is known as WOMAN! In all honesty, girls and their emotions can all be placed in volumes of books, that could fill up this entire planet! What can you learn from this? Everything that you need to learn, and anything you want to learn. First of all I will teach you how to pick up girls, because in all honesty, you don’t even have to be the best looking guy in the world! You could be fat and ugly, and still get that really hot girl! Or You can get the right girl. See what I did there? You find love in all of the wrong places. Leave the hot girls, who tend to be a little sluttier to the dumb asses who are jerks. You need to love a girl, a real girl, someone who you would be compatible with. You can’t just go for the hot girl, you need to go for the BEAUTIFUL Girl. Beautiful meaning that she is cute, smart, and your perfect mate! Until next time folks, where we will discuss even more!